Graveyard Bound: Breakfast Rolls

Graveyard Bound: Breakfast Rolls

Graveyard Bound: Breakfast Rolls

So, I got pretty excited about this recipe. I love making breakfast breads, but, I’m not much of a planner. This means I can’t do anything that requires an ounce of premeditation (specifically, yeast and time to rise) in the morning.

These rely on baking powder so I thought it was the answer to all of my morning woes.

Nope! These were flat, dense and boring. In all of my eloquence, I was trying to describe them and I thought, “If I was a pilgrim, on a ship across the Atlantic, I’d probably love these things!” When the bar is set there, you know these aren’t worth a repeat.

That being said, I left the recipe in its original terms because, it was weird to make, required a lot of eyeballing and a baker’s intuition. Which means…no one is going to work through this mess!

Graveyard Bound: Breakfast Rolls

Breakfast Rolls

1 pint flour
1 heaping tsp baking powder
small lump of lard
1 egg, beaten
sweet milk

Beat egg (white and yolk together), then add enough sweet milk to make as soft dough as you can handle. Roll moderately thin.  Cut in squares.  Rub over with butter before folding, and fold in triangles.  Bake in quick oven.

Graveyard Bound: Breakfast Rolls

Milk and egg…

Graveyard Bound: Breakfast Rolls

…together…not weird yet.

Graveyard Bound: Breakfast Rolls

Add the flour.

Graveyard Bound: Breakfast Rolls

more flour, more flour, more flour…

Graveyard Bound: Breakfast Rolls

until it is a workable dough.

Graveyard Bound: Breakfast Rolls

Pat it…

Graveyard Bound: Breakfast Rolls

Roll it…

Graveyard Bound: Breakfast Rolls

Cut it into squares.

Graveyard Bound: Breakfast Rolls

Butter it…

Graveyard Bound: Breakfast Rolls

Fold it…butter it…put it in the oven for baby and me.

Graveyard Bound: Breakfast Rolls

They’re simple and pretty and simple and bland.

On a scale of 1-10…how likely are you to try to improve these little gems?

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