Strawberries with Marsala

Strawberries with Marsala

Strawberries with Marsala

This simple Italian dessert will make you look like you know what you’re doing with minimal prep, time and no heat!

It kicks your basic strawberries to a new level, but they’re just as versatile…So you can rely on your favorite fix’ns like ice cream, pound cake, whipped cream or mascarpone.  Any recipe that gives me an excuse to buy mascarpone is a keeper in my book.

Strawberries with Marsala


Strawberries with Marsala

2 lbs strawberries
2 Tbsp sugar
1 cup marsala*

Wash, de-stem and drain strawberries. Sprinkle with sugar then chill 1/2 hour.

Add Marsala and chill for one hour. May let soak longer, if preferred.

Serve on top of pound cake, a la mode, or topped with whipped cream.

*May substitute sherry or a sweet, white wine.

Strawberries with Marsala

Slices will take on extra marsala flavor. I wanted to keep it subtle and my strawberries weren’t too big so I kept them whole.

Strawberries with Marsala

Sugar dusting.

Strawberries with Marsala

Add the marsala, give it a quick stir, then back to the fridge.

Strawberries with Marsala

I topped ours with a whipped cream/mascarpone blend. Can’t go wrong!

What are you going to top yours with?

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