The recipe for Buttermilk Pie was handwritten on an index card in green pen. In a sea of pencil filled recipe cards I was intrigued, but the name…made me a skeptic. Another gamble was about to start but hey, at least I had a way to use up this extra buttermilk in the fridge!
Green Chiles Pie
Digging through Grandma Mary’s recipe binder, looking for a little inspiration and I found Green Chiles Pie. Sounded pretty good. Because: A. I love green chiles and B. I had all of the ingredients on hand so I wouldn’t have to drag the kids to the store. The latter sealed the deal, for sure. Read more
Here’s the story…
I know we’re only a few weeks into this little adventure but I thought it might be time to let you all know what I’m doing and a teensy update on how it is all coming along. A lot of people have asked where this all began so I think my first post was a sneaky one that was easily missed. Where it all began…
Sugar and Spice Nuts
Do you remember going to your grandparent’s house where they always had a dish of nuts on the coffee table? Me neither. Ok maybe you do. I know that was the trend back in the day so…maybe my grandparents put them away when my family showed up knowing they would have gone broke when the five of us emptied their stash. There are endless candy and nut bowls at antique stores that prove they were all the rage once upon a time. Maybe we should swoop some up and restart the trend!
Elaine’s Honey Wheat Bread
Don’t be scared! Stay with me for a second here. I know we’re about to talk about bread making. I know yeast scares most people to death but it isn’t that hard. Promise! I’ll walk anyone who wants to learn through the process until they figure it out. No joke. I’d do this for you because nothing beats the smell and taste of fresh baked bread.